Life on the Front Line Resources
Fruitfulness on the Front Line Resources
Resources for various aspects of our church life, based on the life of the early church (Acts 2. 42-47).
Ten themes, which can be followed one by one, or dipped into. There is enough here for a couple of years! During Autumn 2018 the theme of Gladness and Generosity is an appropriate focus around Harvest, Remembrance and Christmas. Resource booklets for each theme are available in the vestry, but a great deal can be accessed on-line at |
Groups have opportunity during May, June and July to particularly explore how we understand the role of the Church and our view of Scripture in forming our views on this issue.
A complex issue that we need to 'get our heads around'. General Assembly has given permission for local churches to register to conduct same-sex marriages and the community will be asking us as a church. We need to know what our response is.
Some material which identifies a range of issues for discussion can be found here
Some 'conversation starters' can be found in the Meeting Place. As we offer these to visitors, we might also seek to respond to them ourselves.
Postcard x4 sheets of the cartoons are here for copying
Advent & Christmas 2015Incarnation = Commitment
Faith is both a personal and a corporate experience. This series is an opportunity to reflect on your personal faith journey, and to engage with other people's.
This document offers material for two sessions. It may be that time means that they spread over more.
Further sessions will be added here soon. OTHER IDEAS to pursue the theme
Home -
Physical surroundings, or relationships. Familiarity of place or people. An entity that requires change if we move house or as people come and go in our lives. What then of our 'heavenly home'? We reflect too on the situation of those who have no home for whatever reason.
Loneliness -
Discussion might also include: relationships and identity (who am I?)
Birth -
A theme to help prepare for Christmas celebration, or simply to get a viewpoint on Incarnation.
Sacrifice -
The Worship Group had a good session 'brainstorming' this theme, linked with Remembrance, in preparation for Remembrance Sunday. Below you will find a 'mind map' from Mark which offers a large number of options for pursuing the theme. These will be 'unpacked' in due course, but your group might like to do a similar exercise as a starter. There is also some material offered by Zaidie.
Social Concern -
What is justice all about? "My peace I give you ..."reconciliation, faith & politics Disability, healing and wholeness -
What is 'normal'? How do we interpret 'Life in all its fulness'? What do we make of Jesus' healing of the man born blind? Does it hold significance for us in the 21st century? Read John 5. 1-15 - discuss ... Parents & Children -
Issues of responsibility. Is Parenting a 'calling'? What do we make of original sin? What about the nature/nurture debate? |
Creativity & the Arts -
How do you like to express yourself? How do we share in God's creativity? Do you find religious art helpful? Take a look at an icon - what is your interpretation - does it lead you to worship? |